
O-Peak: A Mountain nor a Hill

Osmeña Peak or popularly known to mountaineers as O-Peak.  The said wonder of nature was named before the Osmeña clan of Cebu (1st well known Cebuano; Sergio Osmeña;does that ring a bell?). Ken2x, Noel and Amy agreed to go there by Saturday afternoon through mini bus located in Carbon Caltex gasoline station.  Then, Ram Sato (our resident climber chef) + his friends came and joined as well.  We've never thought that there are lots of people going to our direction, when I say people these are mountaineering groups or group of people who are nature lovers.

We've decided to take O-Peak as our practice climb since Noel, Ken2x and I are going to Mt. Pulag on September.  It's an opportunity for me and Ken2x to test our new Columbia tent (my fave color: RED).  Amy was so prepared that her mom even gave her holy water and all kinds of flashlights (we've been singing Rihanna's All of the Lights).  The cool thing was that the tent can hold 3 people inside a supposed to be 2 person tent (yay; wats sulit mama?).  It was my first time to huddle up with Ram "chef" Sato, in which there hadn't been any clue that he was a master of cooking.  He made three palettes out of an ordinary fish (inononan, prito and tinula; watttt?).  While Sugar and her hubby, were busy on there tent, Amy and I were helping out-helping out to make a mess (kudos to us Amy).  The weather was great in the evening, the moon and stars, well actually the whole night sky was a dream to watch (ahhhhhh).  The bloppers went on as the night goes by, the TAGAY BOYS were at there limit drinking, no one knows whose vomitting where and where to sleep.  In the end Ram slept outside the tent with only a blanket rolled up on his body due to tipsiness, Ken2x was repeatedly heard vomitting outside the tent but was sleeping heavily.  They had a PhilHarmonic orchestra with Ram. Noel, on the other hand was totally, lazy (yes, applied Bruno Mars song) to the point of vomiting the whole thing inside his tent (innovate!).  We've manage to get up early, eat and climb up the peak.  The view was somewhat of the Lord of the Rings.  After the Climb we went to the beach and had our sweaty and swollen muscles relax (ahhhhh to the second time around).

Outrageous photo now blasting.....

Ram, Amy & Me: heading to the campsite

Our BAGS: Puro TNF; well except sa akong Deuter
The team

Ram d Master Chef

Our Red Teepee a.k.a Tent

Us doing our usual mess mode

The massacre vomit; sorry Noel

Don't wake up the sleeping bear

Going up to the peak

Below the peak

View up the Peak

up on the peak

3 Muskeeters

Amy n Me

Me trying to be adventurous

Foggy going down

Before we head out

Super flushed and thirsty: Still deciding to go to Kawasan

d beach
Amy n Me lying in the sand

After the said adventure there's another journey that we had trekked and this time its up the north.  Keep posted. ;)

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