

It's really summer, the heat will really get in your epidermis its like you need a personal ventilation in your system.  Oh wait, let's specify and elaborate it more--an AC in your system, that will freeze you up.  Geesh, I swear when I was at my friends house (which I'll be telling you why am there) I was totally making the ceiling fan my super duper buddy, I couldn't move or even let it go..... Undoubtedly, and fortunately it didn't fail me.  So much for my summer heat wave reaction but hey, its cool because I wouldn't enjoy SUMMER on the beach when its icy cold though.

Now, am at this friend's house because its her post birthday celebration and the theme is Pajama Party.  Yay, its like were going down memory lane to grade school/highschool slumber party but the only difference was its more of the adult side. I'll be putting my comparison of the usual tween Pajama Party to our very own twisted Pajama Party.

                             Tween P.P.                                                               Adult P.P.
           Dress in sleeping clothes (pjs)                                     Dress in sleeping clothes (pjs or lingerie?)
           Pillows (for pillow fights)                                            Pillows (to support back aches..LOL)
           Music (miley, selena, j bros etc)                                 Music (house music, laserlights)
           Food (more of a sweet side)                                      Food (gastronomically unhealthy but delicioso)
           Drinks (a brain friendly thing)                                     Drinks (more of the alcohol; toxic thing +_+)

Pretty Pajama Party Ladies

The highlight wasn't just the Pajamas that were wearing but of course the food. Yum, the dreaded 'TUSLOB BUWA", why am praising this let's say fatty food, its because its my first time to eat and taste it and believe me its not just an oily, full of cholesterol, killing gourmet that is not found in a fancy resto but it does become addicted. It has that taste that you'll think its okay to get more and think that I'll just eat this thing for this day and who cares if I'll increase my cholesterol level just for today only (hopefully).

Second highlight of the party were the laser lights that gets you grooving to the beat, plus if your drunk to death of Mexican alcohol (Tequilla) then you'll never ask for more but just kick your feet and wave your hands to the air. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy... LET'S PARTY!!
Let's scram Hombres

We've made friends and we've talked. Mind you the conversation was no trash but the TOPIC people where the trashed (pardon my harshness; that night was the awakening of my other side).  Keep posted for updates. Ti'l next phatey. ;) And Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! SPARTY? HAHAHA

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